Saturday, November 8, 2008

Paper A

The argument in my paper a says that cell phone use decreases our ability to make new friends because it inhibits our intereaction with the environment around us.
Audience: teenagers to early twenty somethings who frequently use cell phones and do not see a problem with it.
Ethos: My paper uses some examples from my life and also cites research and quotes that suggest cell phones isolate us from the world around us.
Pathos: There is not much in the sense of pathos. A lot of the argument is some what dry and probably wouldn't appeal to the audience's emotion. Maybe when I say how texting directly affects their friendships.
Logos: I use a fair amount of research to back up my argument, but it may not be the best to persuade my audience. I think I would need to do a better job at making my research and sources more credible.
Effectiveness: I believe my paper would be some what effective for my audience, but not as much as it could be. The tone needs to speak more to them and their interests. They would need to feel more involved with my paper, as right now it's more talking at them than with them.

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