Saturday, September 27, 2008

Out of Her League

The argument in this editorial is claiming that Sarah Palin is out of her league in regards to the campaign she is now part of.

Audience: Voters, maybe women mostly, who are or were once voting for Palin

The author is persuading voters by
ethos: She is using facts, quotes even of Palin's own words, that show she has a lack of knowledge about certain matters.
pathos: The author also plays on the desire for women to vote for other women and the drive for feminism but shows how Palin would not provide that for them. She knows what is driving voters and how they might be disappointed.
logos: This would mainly come from direct quotes and interviews.

The Star method is also applicable to this editorial and holds up successfully. The arugument is sufficient in that it uses facts and direct quotes. It is typical because this is a hot issues at the moment that people care about. I believe that the argument is accurate, although somewhat biased. The information is credible, but an obvious opinion is clear that may slant some information. It is also relevant, I believe, again because it is appropriate for the time and deals with issues, the campaign, that people are concerned about. The quotes and data she uses are also relevant and help to support her piece.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Kathy Lee and Slim Fast

Slim Fast TV Commercial

1. The argument in this commercial is that Slim Fast will help you lose weight which, in turn, will make you feel better about yourself and more appealing to your husband.

2. The audience for this commercial is middle aged women, mothers especially, who are trying to lose weight and maybe don't have the highest self esteem.

3. This advertisement persuades its audience by appealing to:
-ethos: Kathy Lee Gifford is a recognizable person to this audience. They, more than likely, watched her television show and trust her opinions and advice. They can also relate to her as being a mother.
-pathos: Kathy Lee says in the commercial that she gained weight during her pregnancy and didn't feel good about herself. This kind of testimonial would persuade the audience because it would appeal to their emotions. They would be familiar with this feeling.
-logos: By using Slim Fast for two meals a day, it would decrease the amount of food you ate and would, logically, lead to weight loss. Kathy Lee also makes a point to make it sound very easy and attainable.

4. I think that this commercial would be very effective for the audience it was aimed at. Middle aged moms would relate to Kathy Lee, trust her, and buy the product.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Marlboro Cigarettes Advertisement

1. In this ad, the argument is that Marlboro cirgarettes are for the outdoors kind of man. They are for the "man's" man. You don't have to change your lifestyle for these cigarettes, they already fit yours.

2. The audience in this ad is a smoking male, a "manly man", who may not already have a preferred brand of cigarettes.

3. This ad is persuading its audience by
ethos: The are using a picture of a rugged man in his natural element. He is out on the ice, snow shoeing. He personifies the working man, out in nature. The audience would identify with him because it is a good representation of those kind of people.
pathos: This ad appeals to the audience's emotion but putting the man in a nature setting, removing him from the world. This kind of audience would be drawn to that because it would relieve some stress of their jobs, and shows that cigarettes would help.
logos: The logic in this ad is that Marlboro cigarettes fit to your lifestyle and they show this by picturing a man in his element.
4. I believe that this ad would be effective for the audience it is aimed at. It would appeal to them emotionally because it shows the type of environment they would enjoy and how these kind of cigarettes would not only remove stress, but would be a natural fit to their kind of habits.